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Simplifying Science
[Deer Park, August 25, 2013]

Met this fella expounding on charlatans
In the environmental movement,
Them Commies wanting to penalize businessmen
Jus jealous for all they had earned from
Fruits of their labor. One day he shows up
At our door, eyes misted red, fighting tears
Says “My dog died.” Doggers ourselves,
We sympathized. I asked, what from, she seemed
Fine last week when she came down for a visit.
Been finding her with dead mice, all spring,
 Not eating them, just carrying them around like trophies.
Then there were no more and we found a head
And some feet and didn’t think anything of it.
Dogs eat critters, right? Took her to the vet
And he calls last night and says she was poisoned.
Now who the hell would do that to a dog?
I tell him, every cabin up here has poison chucked
Underneath to keep down mice populations,
And dogs eat mice. It’s the food chain thing,
Mice ingest poison, dog ingests mouse,
Death follows. The man scowls, “Why you
Always got to talk that leftwing shit? This ain’t
No environmental thing, it’s just that some
Creep’s killed my dog and I mean to find him.
Got poison under your cabin? I asked.
No answer, he turned, and marched away without a word.
An own-petard kind of thing, I let him go in silence.

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